Can you name these famous landmarks?
Follow the instructions to find a hidden message to you. Have fun!
Have fun answering these questions, who will know the most answers - adults or children?
Get your colouring pencil ready to reveal a secret message!
Find and colour words and colour them in!
Make this cheerful clown bright and colourful!
A fun 4 page activity sheet to complete!
In each window draw a picture
to make a fun story!
Spot six differences then colour in each doggie - get creative!
How well do you know your countries?
Can you find the missing numbers in each sequence?
Can you find the hidden fruit and veg in these sentences!
If not, learn them here!
Apply your best adding and subtracting to find the hidden characters!
Join two words together to make one!
Words that sound the same but have different meanings!
Learn these now and remember it forever!
Brush up on your history. What subject is your favourite? Perhaps create a project on it.
Enjoy reading? Complete this review once you have finished reading your book!
Have fun practising your 2 times table!
Monty says have a go at completing your 3 times table. Good luck!
Enjoy completing this 4 times table quiz!
This is Monty's favourite times table. Can you complete it?
See how well you know your 6 times table!
Practise makes perfect!
Have fun practising your 8 times table!
Not easy so give this your best shot!
Everybody loves their 10 times table!
This will be a really good test!
Just in case you need them!
You may need grown-up helpers to complete this one!
Can you spot each of these things?
Make sure you don't go over the lines!
How well do you know your birds? See if you can spot any when you're out!
In each window draw a picture
to make a fun story!
Have fun answering these questions, who will know the most answers - adults or children?
Get your colouring pencil ready to reveal a secret message!
Find and colour words and colour them in!
Make this cheerful clown bright and colourful!
A fun 4 page activity sheet to complete!
Can you name these famous landmarks?
Follow the instructions to find a hidden message to you. Have fun!
Spot six differences then colour in each doggie - get creative!
Makes this poster bright, colourful, add special messages and hang on the wall!
Draw a beautiful Easter card for someone special!
Follow the instructions to find the secret Easter message
Have fun colouring in the Easter Eggs. Which one is your favourite?
Answer the questions to fill in the missing letters?
Enjou colouring in this Easter celebration
Can you help bunny find his Easter Egg?
Take a moment to sit and colour these beautiful eggs
Complete the little sums to work out what colour to colour the bunny!
Colour in this cute little chick. Make sure you don't go over the lines!
A little trickier for the older members
Children complete this journal, to help get a little focus on their day!
Draw, colour and write a mesage, share and hang on your wall!
Plan all the fun things you would like to do once out of isolation - tick them off once complete!
Colour in, add words, messages of love, and hang on wall or share with that special person!
Draw a beautiful picture for someone's birthday. Share it online and give it to them when you next see them!
Colour in, add words and special messages and hang on your wall for this special occasion!
Download, print out and decorate this Happy Anniversary card - share online if you can't give in person!
©Victoria Andrew, Originals in Pencil.
Website designed by Victoria Andrew, Graphic Design -